
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow! It has been a minute since my last blog post and a lot has happened. I’m the past few weeks we wrapped up our time in Guatemala and made the long trip to Romania. 
While it was bitter sweet to say goodbye to Guatemala, we have really been enjoying our time here in Romania. We have partnered with a ministry called hope church. We spend most days out on the very cold streets of Craiova inviting people to various events we host during the week. I am lucky enough to be on a team of five whose main purpose is to plan youth events and hang out with the young people of Romania. It has been an absolute dream being able to minister to teens here and share in the growth they are having in their own faiths. We actually had a young woman tell us during our last event that she plans on attending church events over going to the club! 

The work is long and tiring but worth it. While some of us battle sickness and the cold, we are encouraged by the youth’s eagerness to learn more about Jesus. During a day long youth event on the 1st of December my squadmate Jordan and I got to share Jesus with someone who is quite new to the whole church scene. The man we shared with exclaimed his amazement at “our incredible God.” He had never heard of a God who loves him unconditionally and so badly wants a relationship with him. To be able to share the Joy of Christ with him has actually been one of my highlights of our race so far. 

Aside from ministry, we have been growing closer as a squad. We are living together, eating together and enjoying each other’s company. We even got to have a thanksgiving meal together! It’s so fun to be in a larger group setting with so many different personalities! It allows for us to see Jesus and how he works in so many new ways. 

More blogs are to come as I finally feel settled here in Romania. I love you all back home and hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. 

Much Love and God Bless
