
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Something my team has been doing recently is morning Bible studies before the busyness of ministry and our day begins. We have been walking through the gospel of Mark together and my good friend and teammate Michael pointed something out I had never noticed before. In Mark and riddled throughout the gospels, we as readers and believers are left with many “unknowns.” The biggest of these thus far, through the first five chapters of Mark, is when Jesus casts a legion of demons out of an unknown man. Jesus demands the demons flee the man and they are cast into a herd of pigs. The next part of the story is in Mark 5:17. The man’s fellow countrymen saw him changed, clothed, and of the right mind and asked Jesus to please leave. Seeing the radical change in the once demon-possessed man scared the common man and they asked Jesus to leave. The story might seem pretty cut and dry; man is saved by Jesus and everyone takes notice. Yes… but what happened between the man being healed and the countrymen finding him with Jesus? We don’t know! It’s safe to assume that he was cleaned and given new clothes, but what else? What conversations and prayers were had between this man, the disciples, and Jesus? It’s not written down or recorded. I’d say its safe to assume it took awhile for news to spread and for people to reach the shore where this miracle took place. This leaves an elongated period of time unmentioned and unrecorded. 

Now you might be like me at this moment and feel left out. I mean, how cool! This once tormented man got to spend his first hours as a new man with the Son of God and the moment is all his. No one would know what happened or what was talked about unless he decided to share. This trend with Jesus continues during countless dinners with numerous tax collectors, thieves, prostitutes, and any number of people Jesus encountered in the untold stories. We learn the many stories and miracles of Jesus but we rarely hear what happened in those private moments. What did Jesus talk about with the demon-possessed man, what did Zacchaeus serve for dinner? These are the things we don’t learn or read and we might never get to. 

These moments are private, between an individual and the Son of God. That’s the beauty of our savior. He didn’t come for us as the human race, but he came for each and every one of us individually. He died for me, for my brothers, for the man on the side of the road, for the leaders of our country, for the Muslims, for the atheists, and for you. He’s not a big far-off deity, but someone who takes time for a private conversation or meal. He won’t disclose what you talk about, or gossip about your problems, but he will change your life. 

This is why not a single one of our stories is the same. The same goes for all of our relationships with God. Not a single one can touch what you have personally with the Lord. The craziest thing is that not one of these relationships God holds is more important than the next. Not mine, your pastors, the presidents, or anyone else you can think of. 

So, while I might become jealous reading about these quit and unwritten meetings, I must remember that I also have the same relationship with Jesus. One that is private and personal. 

As I close this little message today, I want to remind everyone that Jesus loves you. I think that statement can get muddled in today’s world. Some might say it jokingly or insincere, but the simple truth remains; no one has ever loved you more than the creator who crafted you in your mother’s womb. He has known and loved you since before you were a twinkle in your father’s eye and will continue to do so for eternity. 

Thank you so much for continuing to read and comment on my blogs. As always, if you ever want to talk or discuss anything pertaining to my blogs or trip in general, please reach out. 


YOU are known and loved!



10 responses to “A Personal God”

  1. I love this – what a beautiful reminder! Although it’s humbling, I’m so thankful for that private and personal relationship with Jesus. Love you J – you are in our prayers.

  2. Me and Gary often have conversations about what Jesus and the disciples talked about around the fire at night. I bet they told stories and laughed and cried and sang just like we do. The personal moments are the best.

  3. I love this perspective. I often think of the women Jesus loved (probably because I’m a woman! Lol). What was it like to be his mom? What was it like to be his friend in a world when women’s voices were silenced? What was it like to be seen when no other man would acknowledge you? Thanks for pointing back to Jesus, no one has ever loved me like Him.

  4. Because one of your comments , Candice talked about Mary looking at her son Jesus on the cross and how women were so marginalized and relegated to obscurity 2000 years ago in the Greek/Roman culture. It reminded me of Luke 8:2,3 in which Jesus had a whole entourage of women that followed him around. One of these memories was the first to see the resurrected Christ in his glorified body and the first evangelist you could say that announced his resurrection to the disciples who thought she was crazy. If I’m not mistaken the first gentile to be rich with the gospel was the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4 where Jesus went out of his way to love her and save her soul. And if I’m not mistaken, in John chapter 2 the first miracle he ever did was for a married couple who were embarrassed because the wine had run out and he intervened too save them face and celebrate the momentous occasion.

    Such a great article Jaden, very creative and it endears my heart and pulls me in to wanna follow hard after this Jesus of Nazareth all the more. If All the miracles Jesus did were to be written, not just the 37 distinct miracles within the four gospels, then all the books in the world could not contain them.
    He’s both transcendent and immanent- So personal so awesome. Thanks brother

  5. Thank you Jaden for reminding me of those personal moments with Jesus. Those are the times that I cherish and l learn the most. What a wonderful Savior we have. I love you Jaden and pray for you daily!! Keep up the great blogs??

  6. Wow, Jaden! Such an insightful and awe inspiring look at our Savior, Jesus, and His love for us. A great reminder that He knows us personally and deeply. Thanks.

  7. Jaden!! So good. The Father loves us deeply and wants to be in relationship with us. Thanks God!!! Praying for you and your team this week!! So excited about the ways that God is drawing you near and is revealing himself to you. In your corner, KP.

  8. I love processing with God about what happens in between verses in scripture! What a cool perspective to remember how close Jesus was to the freed man, and how close He is to us!