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Why as followers of Christ do we concern ourselves with the unknown. You might often find Christian’s debating the meaning of certain scripture amongst themselves. Dead set on what they “know” is right, some Christian’s are quick to die for simple opinions. “He’s not a real Christian.” “That’s not what that verse is saying.” ”He can’t pray like that.”  “If you voted for him you are going against this verse.” This persists even inside of our churches. “If you’re Baptist you have it all wrong.” “Pentecostals have missed the point.” “You can’t truly be in relationship with God if you aren’t doing x, y, and z.”

We have adopted this role as judge, in a world that already has far too many. We take guesses on people’s salvation and whether or not they are “truly” saved. We cast judgment on those we have no way of truly knowing. How could we 

know what is in someone’s heart? 

“And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us,”
??Acts? ?15?:?8? ?ESV??

We cannot! Yourself and God are the only ones who can truly know your heart. 

There is a lot to guess at and ask the Lord about even inside the Holy Bible. There are also lots of interpretations and translations. None are better or worse than the next. All things done to glorify the name of God and bring forth His Kingdom are great. This doesn’t mean however that everything is 100% correct. At the end of the day my understanding of speaking in tongues or performing miracles is no more correct or incorrect than the understanding of my neighbor. My NIV, ESV, The Message, NLT, or any number of other translations of the Bible isn’t better than another. My simple prayer versus a someone’s extravagant one is not any better or worse. That’s not how God see’s it. The differences we have and the lines we have drawn, are nothing but religious mumbo jumbo. Establishing religion where God has come to establish relationships. 

Some of the few things we know for sure as followers of Christ are these; We should earnestly seek after a relationship with Him, love Him, and love our neighbors. It becomes quite easy. It might seem too simple to those raised in a religious culture but the reality is that it is not so complicated. The walk might be narrow and difficult with Christ, but a relationship with Him is our birth right. It’s not something I have to earn or read a certain Bible to obtain. He gives it freely and without expectation. The Bible never tells us to pray only in one very specific way, but to pray in many different ways and in many different circumstances. All are holy and righteous so long as they are used to glorify God. The same goes with my denomination and Bible translation. As long as I do these things while also earnestly seeking God.

As far as your personal salvation and relationship with the Lord. Don’t ever listen to the voice of man over what the Lord has done in your heart. As Christian’s let’s avoid at all costs condemning our brothers and sisters of this world. It’s not what we are here to do. Instead let us love and serve all people. Let us also love each other as the full body of Christ! Not loving solely those from your denomination but as the full church, as God intended. Let opinions and differences be just that. Careful that they don’t grow into animosity and hatred. Instead let us focus on the certain. Jesus Christ is our savior and He has called us to love him and others. It’s as simple as that. 

Much Love and God Bless


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