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“Hasta Mañana Profe”! This is becoming one of my favorite things to hear as we start our work here in Poptun. It brings me such joy to hear these words because I get to hear them for the next six weeks that my team is here in Poptun! Today was day three of working with the same kids inside of two different villages in the northern part of Guatemala. Daily we have tutoring sessions, Bible stories, worship songs, and my personal favorite… soccer ministry.

In this blog I want to give you a glimpse into a typical day of ministry with the kiddos in Vista Hermosa and Sabaneta. Our day begins in Vista Hermosa with close to fifty kids. We start off by welcoming the kids and using the limited Spanish/ google translate to talk with the kids about what the kids have been doing since we last saw them (We last saw them 20 hours ago for context.) My favorite thing to do is find some really cool shirts kids are wearing and I let them know, in Spanish, that I like their shirts! Now you might be saying to yourself, “Wow Jaden, your Spanish is so amazing, how are you learning it so fast?” I would respond with telling you that “Me gusta tu camisa” is one of the only phrases I remember from my duolingo days. Through our soccer ministry I have also added the following Spanish phrases and words; Pelota, Pasa Aqui, Portero, Se turna, and bien echo. Really all you need in a soccer game; ball, pass here, goalie, take turns, and good job. But before all of the soccer fun, our kids get to take part in a Bible lesson and worship! Today’s Bible story was the story of Jericho falling. With the help of google translate and our ministry partners we acted out the marching around and falling of Jericho. The kids got a funny show (Jakson, Michael, and I marching around Jordan who was pretending to be Jericho) and some important lessons on how powerful their creator really is. After our wonderful story telling we participated in some very active and fast paced worship songs. My personal favorite has me jumping up and down while action games like a wild monkey for a solid five minutes. Today was our 8th time in total doing these worship songs and you best believe that my team and I are singing at the top of our lungs our best attempts at the spanish verses. From there is where we split. Half of us take the older boys to coach and play some soccer games. The other half of the team stays with the rest of the children and does art projects, helps with schoolwork, and gets to play what sounds like some super fun games. At the end of all of our respected ministries we pray and say hasta mañana to los niños. That’s when we pack up our truck and head 15 minutes towards the next town to do it all over again. At around 4:30 we say goodbye to our last kiddo and head to our new home in Peten. 

The days are long and I am extremely sunburnt but I leave each day with such a full heart that it is completely worth it. In the past few days alone I have fallen so in love with the work we are doing and with communities we are doing it in. The kids giggles and the mothers smiles have given me enough energy to last a lifetime. We are truly seeing Kingdom come here in Guatemala and are so blessed to have front row seats. I’ll leave you with a verse that I have come to love over the past few weeks here in Guatemala, Matthew 19:14 – but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

If you would like to be involved in the work we are doing here in Peten there is a way you can donate to One Way Community and to the kids we are ministering to. For five dollars you can sponsor a child for Children’s Day (A national holiday here in Guatemala) so that we could gift them with a hot meal and a few treats. I’ll leave the link at the bottom of this blog so that you may donate to the incredible things happening here in Vista Hermosa and Sabaneta.!/donation/checkout


Much Love and God Bless




5 responses to “Hasta Mañana”

  1. Wow wow wow! Excited for the ways that you guys are already pouring into this new community that you’ve stepped into. Thank you for continuing to share your stories all along the way! So cool how the Lord is involved in every part of our lives – including sports and play! Lastly, just wanted to say, “Me gusta tu camisa!”

  2. Wow Jaden,
    I’m now tired just reading this update-Of course in the best of ways. Mucho Trevaho for Dios.
    When I see the picture of this group of narly little mucho hombres (potentially and NOW) for Christ, I can’t think of a wiser and more fruitful, life giving and powerful gospel approach with these young people.
    May God continue to anoint,bless and multiply mucho fruita from your efforts!

    Great share mi hermano

  3. Thanks for sharing insight into your ministry. What a gift it is to build relationships with kiddos despite the language barrier. Your team is a an army for God’s kingdom. I also hope to soon see the reenactment of Jericho falling. Lots of love Jaden!

  4. It sounds like you guys are having a blast. Wow, so fun to see the kids in the photo with you guys in your shirts! I love hearing how much you are enjoying the ministry. Though the days are long, you get filled up doing the Lord’s work. I’m praying you all will have the needed sabbath time and quiet time to continue to push through the heat and exhaustion. Wow, these are the days you’ll always remember. Proud of you Brother!

  5. Jaden!! Love hearing about the day to day! I’m sure the kids appreciate you being intentional in complimenting their clothing and asking for updates!! Praying for healed sunburn and continued energy!